1914/15 Trio To The RMA , KIA at Jutland

1914/15 Trio To The RMA , KIA at Jutland

1914/15 trio RMA 10921 GR H W SHEARING

Henry Walter Shearing a Horse Keeper from Kirby Bedon Norfolk enlisted into the Royal Marine Artillery in 1904 aged 20

He served on HMS Invincible from April 1914 and was KIA aboard her at Jutland on the 31st of May 1916

Invincible went to the rescue of the Chester, one of her scout cruisers, which had been chased by four enemy cruisers (the Frankfurt, Pillau, Elbing and Wiesbaden) and had taken heavy casualties. At 17:53 Invincible’s 12-inch guns opened fire at 8,000 yards. The Wiesbaden, last ship in the line, was hit as she turned to run: one of the Invincible’s massive shells had burst through the side in the engine room bringing her to a stop.

A half hour later Invincible had – after having steering problems – joined up with Beatty’s line and roughly 9,000 yards distance from Hipper’s battle-cruisers. At 18:26 she was heavily engaged with the Lützow and causing heavy damage so much so that Rear Admiral Horace Hood encouraged his gunner officer, Herbert Danreuther (a godson of Richard Wagner) saying “Your firing is very good. Keep at it as quickly as you can. Every shot is telling”.

Minutes later, the fog back that had been protecting parted and the ship was lit up by the sunlight which fell trough. At 18:31 Lützow now landed a shell that penetrated Q turret and set her magazines on fire. The explosion was like a small nuclear mushroom

Passing ships were confused. They had not seen what had happened and at first cheered, thinking it was a German ship

There were 6 survivors. Four were picked up by Badger. Two, including Hubert Danreuther, were seen at 19:02 by HMS Colossus. At 19:05 Jellicoe himself signalled Badger: “Is wreck one of our ships? Reply – Yes, Invincible”

Full service papers available on line

Medals with original ribbons in in NEF condition

Code: 51086
