Mercantile Marine Pair to Man Taken POW August 1914

Mercantile Marine Pair to Man Taken POW August 1914

Mercantile Marine Pair CHARLES WALKERLEY

Charles Walkerley from Boston Lincs was the Skipper of the Trawler JULIAN, 185grt, which was captured by a torpedo boat on the 22 August 1914 in the North Sea, fate listed as not known, crew made prisoners

Northern Whig, Tuesday 8th January 1918

Charles Walkerley Master of the trawler Julian returns to his own fireside after an enforced abscence of three years and five months. He came direct from Ruhleben , but was 15 months at Sennelager. When asked what he thought of the latter place he was silent, but his face took on a look far more eloquent than words.

The Boston Guardian on the 12th of January 1918 publishes a far more in depth interview with Charles about his time as a POW

Medals in GVF condition

Code: 51096
